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Professionalism is extremely important to me - it makes me a better practitioner and keeps my clients safe. To that end, I have taken several steps to ensure I am working in the most professional manner possible and, upon completion of my degree, I will continue to expand this area with professional affiliations.

Professional Affiliations

The following professional affiliations will allow laypersons to quickly identify the quality and calibre of my training and professional commitment to sport and exercise nutrition.


Upon graduation I will apply to join the Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register (SENR). This is a voluntary register for qualified practitioners that creates and promotes high professional and ethical standards within the sport and exercise nutrition field and requires practitioners to abide by the SENR Code of Professional Conduct as well as undertake CPD.


SENR ensures professional accountability for practitioners and outlines practical competency standards for professionals including scope, legal and ethical framework, professionalism, communication, and professional development. I will endeavour to meet both the Essential and Desirable competencies, fully, providing evidence for all requirements.

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I will be studying to sit the CISSN (Certified Sports Nutritionist from the International Society of Sports Nutrition) exam towards the end of my MSc degree in order to gain ISSN membership. Being a member of ISSN indicates to those looking to work with me that I work within the highest standard of evidence-based sports nutrition.


I will ensure I meet the Continuing Education Unit (CEU) requirements for continued membership to ISSN through approved activities, including attending the ISSN annual conference, when possible, to ensure I network with other practitioners.

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Upon graduation I will apply to join the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists (UKVNR) register with the Association for Nutrition  as an Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANtur). I will uphold the Standards of Ethics, Conduct and Performance set out by the AfN and ensure I keep myself in good standing so that I may apply for a transfer for registration as a Registered Nutritionist in 2026.


Being a member of AfN means that not only will I appear in the register where prospective clients or employers can contact me, but I will also have access to the AfN Regional Groups. As I intend to continue as self-employed, having access to the AfN Regional Groups will ensure I have colleagues with whom I can meet, learn from, and collaborate. Upon registration, I will also have access to the AfN Registrant e-newsletter where AfN Endorsed CPD activities will be promoted, ensuring I can fulfil my annual minimum 30 hours requirement.

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